Beauty Talk With Me.




For those of you following me on snapchat you know I had a rough week last week.

I've never been a beauty "guru" because I try my best to keep my maintenance level at the bare minimum. I grew up with boys which required me to act like one therefore keeping up with beauty tricks wasn't something that triggered excitement in my adolescent years.

I remember my best friend Lauren would try to teach me how to wear make up and put on eyeliner I got so overwhelmed and annoyed--

1) because i'm a perfectionist and my lines weren't precise enough. 2) I didn't understand it. 

Although I admired makeup tricks I couldn't wrap my head around how certain things worked to enhance a woman's beauty. I spent most of my highschool career on the basketball and volleyball court, there was no time to waste on beauty but I still loved the art of femininity. I'ld always play around with lipstick here and there but still never got the hang of make up entirely.

So sad to say that it took me 24 years to actually master how to do something with my face. Thanks to hours spent on youtube videos and taking notes from friends who are gurus themselves.

Now you see ladies... I love make up. I love getting dolled up and looking glamorous but what I've never been a fan of was feeling like I needed makeup to cover up what was underneath. I want my skin to be flawless with/without make up. When i went on my rant on snapchat last week I was overwhelmed because I had an important shoot coming up that required me to look beautiful and flawless but in order for me to exude beauty I have to feel beautiful (internally). 

This year has taken a toll on me emotionally. My hormones have gone bananas and all that toxicity going on within is currently being eliminated out from my skin. Initially I felt insecure about what was going on with my skin because I wasn't used to having skin issues. I would always boast about my ridiculous intake of soda and carbs and how it didn't effect my skin, but that has changed. 

As you get older your body changes, which is why it's important to form those healthy habits in your early 20's.  If you are between the ages of 18-28 reading this please start nurturing those healthy habits now because the bad habits will eventually catch up with you later. 

As I take the necessary steps to getting my skin and body back to healthier state, I will be documenting parts of my journey in hopes to help someone out there who might be dealing with the same issue. Adult acne is not cute and you don't have to settle for things that don't make you feel good about yourself. 

Some things are beyond our control--like having a oily/combination skin type. However there are things we can actively be doing to change our circumstances.

If you have the power to fix the things you don't like about yourself take the necessary steps towards making those changes. It's okay to complain about it but what are you doing to change it? In order to see those changes we also need to make those lifestyles changes ourselves.


  1. Love yourself from the inside out (sanctimonious perhaps?)
  2. Water should be the first thing you drink when you wake up. It's even better with lemons.
  3. Workout!!! it decreases your stress levels.
  4. Take your daily multivitamins.
  5. Wash your face twice daily.
  6. Exfoliate once-twice a week.
  7. Keep your bed sheets clean.
  8. Make healthier food choices.
  9. Know your skin type and treat it accordingly.
  10. Keep yourself in environments that allow you to flourish and be your best. (Happiness is a choice) #nostresszone

What are some tips and tricks you have for keeping your skin on "fleek"?


Many thanks to 54 THRONES for showing compassion and empathizing with how I felt. 

I'm so excited to add these products to my daily regimen, and hoping to see results.


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